CIBBR Acknowledgement is a requirement.
It is very important to CIBBR, NIGMS, and NIH in general that outputs (publications, presentations, press releases, etc.) documenting research productivity are attributed to CIBBR by citing its grant number. Citing the CIBBR grant in the Acknowledgements section of your papers and presentations (along with other funding sources) does not detract from your work and is a requirement. Many publishers automatically link your publication in PubMed to the CIBBR grant number which then is added to the automated Publications List in our annual RPPR reporting. Publications lacking acknowledgement of CIBBR funding will be required to submit an erratum to the journal to acknowledge CIBBR funding.
The following criteria should be used to determine if CIBBR should be acknowledged in your outputs:
- Work directly funded by CIBBR as a Project Leader or as a Pilot Project Investigator.
- Work conducted with a Core Service Award (“voucher”) funded by CIBBR.
- Work that utilized instruments managed by CIBBR’s MCP Core or that have been acquired, supported, and/or maintained with CIBBR funding (e.g., several UIC-managed instruments).
- Work that indirectly received supplies through CIBBR support or equipment exchange.
In the following instances, both CIBBR and NH-INBRE grants should be acknowledged:
- Work conducted with the support of the CIBBR Data Science Core.
- Work conducted by the HCGS that relies on bioinformatics services offered by the HCGS/Data Science Core.
Please include this acknowledgment on CIBBR-supported work, “Research reported in this publication was supported by the University of New Hampshire's Center for Integrated Biomedical and Bioengineering Research (CIBBR) through a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P20GM113131.”
For joint CIBBR/HCGS-supported work, “Research reported in this publication was supported by the NH-INBRE program and by the Center for Integrated Biomedical and Bioengineering Research (CIBBR) through grants from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Numbers P20GM103506 and P20GM113131, respectively.”
How Do I Cite CIBBR and Comply with NIH Public Access Policy?
- The NIH public access policy requires scientists to submit final peer-reviewed journal manuscripts that arise from NIH funds to PubMed Central (PMC) immediately upon acceptance for publication. A valid PMCID# reflects successful submission to PubMed Central.
- The NIH Public Access website provides instructions on how to submit publications to PMC to comply with the policy:
- There are several ways for authors to comply with this requirement. See link for details.
- Some journals submit accepted manuscripts and/or published articles automatically to PMC. A list of journals that will automatically generate a PMCID can be found here.
- If the journal doesn’t automatically submit to PMC, it is the author’s responsibility to determine the method (see link) needed to submit their manuscript/paper to PMC.
For abstracts, a brief citation could be:
Supported by CIBBR through a grant from NIGMS (P20GM113131) at NIH.